September 18, 2015

A Letter from Mary Hyre, November 4, 1969

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:29 pm

Anderson I thought that I’d posted all of Mary Hyre’s letters, but I turned up another couple, in a folder containing letters and clippings about her death. This one is from November 4, 1969; there’s more on Roger and Linda Scarberry, a contactee who thinks he’s a Man In Black, and some strange experiences shared by Linda and Mary. Her handwriting is difficult if you’re not used to it, so I’ll transcribe it.

On the back of the last page she notes that the name of the man from Lorraine was Pat Matna. She gives an address and phone number, but I’ll leave those off.


Dear John,

Well, as you already know, I never write letters, but promise myself every day I will write to you. The weather has been just beautiful here, but rather cold.

You will be surprised to hear this, but John the Swede was back this last week. If you talk with the MacDaniels don’t tell them, let them tell you.

He has fallen in love with Linda, and she plans to go to Sweden as soon as she can get a divorce. They keep asking me to give my opinions on this, and that is something I will not tell her to do.


Roger is no good, and she and the baby went hungry half the time, and [I] think he stayed away for days, and I do not blame her for leaving him. She is back home now.

Linda will make a man a good wife if they treat her half-way right. I think John would be good to her and make her feel like she is someone.

This is a funny world! I have been contacted by a man who says he has been contacted by the men in black, and has been told that he is one of them, and for him to start wearing black, and that they are lovable people.


He said that I am one of these people and that I will be contacted later, and my life will be changed – – they are not going to hurt me. He says you are of the same group.

He called me again this morning. He lives in Lorraine, Ohio. I have his name and address at the office. I don’t [know] what to think about this guy.

He was at the convention, and said he looked for three days in Pt. Pleasant and couldn’t find me, that’s not true because I am not that hard to find.

Well, I stopped and made some peanut


cookies for the kids.

Sharon’s husband leaves for the Navy Nov. 18 and will be stationed at Great Lakes for 10 weeks, and then he could be sent most anywhere.

Perhaps she will go with him when he is in port for a while and can be with him, I think it will be nice for them to live different places. I sure would like to be able to travel abroad, I get so tired of working but might as well like it.

My back still hurts me a lot, but maybe it will feel good when it stops hurting.


How are you feeling? Hope your book is coming along OK.

Well, it looks like when Linda and [I] go into the TNT area things just happen. We just about got the life frightened out of [us] the other night at the power house. Sharon and John, her husband, were with us, but they didn’t see what we did. I thought it was going to stop my heart. I will explain it to you later. Linda and I have been about to go to pieces with hearing the heart beat at the same time, and our right ear feels like it is going to burst.


When [we] hear this it usually is about 1 am or later, and we can call one another, and before either one says what’s wrong, we know it is happening to the other.

The bridge opening is set for Dec. 15.

Hope you can get here for it. That would be the second anniversary of the collapse of the Silver Bridge. I have some strange dreams. Maxine and I were the first two women to walk the bridge.

Write me a line when you have time, and try and come to see us.

You can stay with us.

As ever, Mary



  1. A great find Doug. Sounds like some of the “weirdness” continued past the collapse of the bridge. Wow!

    Comment by Clarence Carlson — September 19, 2015 @ 1:56 pm

  2. It would seem John had an intimate relationship with the people of Point Pleasant. I think John Keel said to examine this phenomenon you need to study the people these things happen to. You can look at lights in the sky till your blue in the face and not come to any certain conclusion, as we have already seen in our lifetime.

    Comment by Michael Nemeth — September 20, 2015 @ 3:04 am

  3. Yes, he stayed in touch with the people there, especially Mary Hyre. I was surprised too to hear about the weirdness continuing after the bridge collapse. I’d like to know what Mary and Linda saw in the TNT area, but I guess they talked about that with John on the phone.

    Comment by Doug — September 20, 2015 @ 2:23 pm

  4. Poignant reading, and interesting. Though I have driven across that bridge many times during my Point Pleasant research and Mothman Fest visits (where–very briefly–I met John Keel), I somehow didn’t know it was opened on a December 15th.

    Comment by William Grabowski — September 23, 2015 @ 12:24 am

  5. I didn’t either. It makes sense, though; that was the anniversary.

    Comment by Doug — September 28, 2015 @ 3:53 pm

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